The dead will never be deader

About us

In January, benchow launched the $DED meme token, which inspired the creation of Baby Ded, a revolutionary meme project set to dominate the Solana network. Paying homage to the DED in its name, BDED combines humor and innovation, bringing together a passionate community that connects the DED community with BDED

The acronym DED not only represents the tokens symbol but also embodies a philosophy: the dead will never be deader. We will unite the community through our randomizer where everyone can give a few BDED tokens to get a bag of DED tokens, let it be fun and deadly at the same time 💀💀💀

Limited Supply, Eternal Value: Just like life, the supply of $BDED is finite. The tokenomics of $BDED ensures that once the maximum supply is reached, no more BDED can be minted